Monday, October 10, 2011

Acupressure for Facial Toning

There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting. 
John Kenneth Galbraith
Everyone is beautiful in their own way, that is what it is important to find out what makes you beautiful. Acupressure is one way to make you your prettiest.
Acupressure keeps energy flowing. Your energy is your beauty.
Begin by spraying your face and throat with Power Repair Face Mist - hydrating and full of antixodants, it smells of geranium and other wonderful things.
Points down the middle of the forehead 
Starting at the middle of the forehead at the hairline, use your middle finger to apply firm pressure for 3 seconds, release then repeat twice.
Move down to the middle point between the eyebrows, apply pressure, and repeat twice. These points ease frowning and headaches.
Points on the sides of the nose
Place your index fingers next to the base of your nose by the nostrils. Press firmly for three seconds, then release. These points may be tender as a great deal of tension is stored here.
Point in the middle of the upper lip
Place one index finger in the groove above the upper lip and apply pressure, then release, repeat twice. This point tones the lip area as well as controlling hunger.
Points at the Temples
Use three fingers together, with one hand on each temple. Press inward firmly and gently, then release. Repeat twice. These points increase energy and blood flow to the eye area, increases alertness and concentration.
Beauty is energy so create your own beauty in the day.
Be kinder than you need to be.
Listen to Sibelius on a long low couch, upholstered in pink and fuchsia Marimekko fabric, next to a very large lemon tree, that has your smart phone buried in its base, enjoying pistachio and dark chocolate macaroons from Patisserie Ines with gunpowder tea on Rose Chintz china from various years with Tiffany teaspoons from 1918, each with a different flower handle, watching the rain pour down.

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