"Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness."
-- Jane Austen
An apple a day removes heavy metals and cholesterol from your body, aids digestion, and makes the digestive tract alkaline.
Apple contains boron, a trace mineral necessary for beautiful hair.
So, too, is scalp massage - a contracted muscle receives ten times the blood flow a dormant muscle does. So, while listening to Mozarts's Clarinet Concerto #5, apply Body Nurish Organic Herbal Hair & Scalp Treatment from scalp to ends, with both hands, go through your scalp and pull away, feel the muscle release, and do your entire head. Relaxed cranial muscles make for a relaxed and pretty face. Apply Super Salve's Replenishing Hair Mask - you will have lush and beautiful hair.
Of course, beautiful shiny hair needs a glass of Calvados, apple brandy, to sip on while baking an apple pie.
Your beau will be so impressed, let him watch.
Of course, serve Anchovy Puffs with the Calvados, there is no rush.
Easy as pie:
Anchovy Puffs
4 ounces oil packed anchovies, olive oil, 6 cloves garlic, and one sheet prepared puff pastry. Use a fork to mash the oil and garlic together. Chop the anchovies, and mix with 1/2 cup minced thyme. Sip some Calvados.
Cut the pastry into 1 inch squares, with a pastry brush spread the squares with oil and garlic paste. Top each square with some thyme and anchovy. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes, or until one inch high and golden brown, serve on very old Stone Ware, so old the design has rubbed off, and pour some more Calvados.
Mmmmm, yes, the pie.
The best apple pie is James Beard's pate choux, filled with a variety of apples, and spiced with cinnamon, ginger and coriander. Voila!
While the pie is baking, a bit more Calvados and let him read aloud Ernest Hemingway's A Cat in the Rain.. Isn't he adorable?
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