Best beauty secret ever - facial cupping. Facial cuppping facial increases radiance, tones the muscles, stimulates circulation and collagen growth.
It is basically a facial massage using facial cups specially designed for your face. This treatment will bring collagen to the surface and increase blood flow, reduces puffiness & dark circles, diminish lines, drain nasal sinuses and lymphatic system near the ears.
Cupping releases rigid soft tissue and stubborn knots. drains excess fluids and toxins, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue; brings blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles. The strong vacuum, or negative pressure, stimulates collagen production, and is completely natural. It enhances the face you have already.
Power Repair Fruity Lift spread on your face give the cups oil to slide on and has the enzymes working while this is happening. After cupping, while all the energy is surging around, apply Body Nurish Green Clay Refinisher Facial Mask. Masks can be drying, so finish with a heavier moisturizer, such as Super Salve's Coconut Cream