"Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care.."
Shakepeare, Macbeth
On the days when the fondue fork of life stabs you in the palm of your hand, when you open the mail box expecting a thank you note and a moth flies out, when your hourglass shaped bottle of eau-de-vie brandy is empty, save for the soaked pear you can't figure out how to retrieve, here is the cure.
Put on Brahms "Lullabye", or some Bach. When you sleep, beauty products are able to work more effectively. The purpose of sleep is repair.
The first step in this lovely routine is enjoy the Power Repair Facial Steam - you will feel your day improving, as you experience the roses, lavender, and chamomile. Then massage Fruity Lift into your face. Here, either use cuppping or apply Power Repair Exfoliant, a healing mask. I apply it directly over the Fruity Lift, it seems to act as an accelerant. After the mask dries, shower to wash away the cares of the day.
In the shower, wash with Power Repair on your Clarisonic Brush. Out of the shower, apply the Power Repair Toner, the smell is divine, and it calms the skin. Then apply a generous amount of Power Repair Vitamin C Solution. If I were ever only allowed one beauty product on earth, this would be it.
Applying this cools, clarifies, and brightens your skin. I apply another layer of Vitamin C, then Power Repair Cream. Sometimes I apply the eye cream with Clarisonic Opal, for deeper product penetration.
A generous amount lets it work as a mask while you sleep. The vitamin C moves lymph for a more contoured face, you wake up clear and radiant.
Vitamin C Solution over a clean and exfoliated face is my favorite facial, home or salon.
The common denominator in Power Repair, Body Nurish, and Super Salve products is the ingredients are so pure and so intense, each time you wash is an event. The pleasant experience is as intense as the results. With so many beauty products, the rush is the packaging.
The above products are a great value and can all be purchased for less than a salon facial, with greater results.
In the morning you will look your best for any occasion. Making the mundane special is the most elegant.